Hello world. I am here, I promise. But I will need to ask your forgiveness again for an undetermined amount of time while I get things sorted out here. I just got back from Hokkaido for my first ski trip, am juggling training for a marathon which is in three short weeks, studying for the MCAT, spending time with friends and actually doing the job I am paid to do. Japan has been so busy for me this year, which I am infinitely thankful for because I am getting the most wonderful opportunities to experience things here, but it gives me less free time than I need to keep up on this blog as I would like. Gah, it was so much easier in the beginning.
Don't fret though! I am keeping a written journal of all my great adventures and trying to keep on top of pictures and the like on facebook and my google album so everyone can keep abreast of my comings and goings... but as concerns my awesome entries, I will update as often as I can. I am so far behind now you may be getting doses of the past intermixed with the present but all I ask is patience and love.
Thanks friends (and family) and I will be back soon!
Love - N.
It finally cleared up after the blizzard |