Thursday, September 30, 2010

Days drag into weeks and before I know it...

IT'S COLD! I can't believe how abruptly the weather changed! Last week I am sweating my figurative balls off and now all of a sudden it's dropped into the 50's during the middle of the afternoon. Well, enough of my complaining... onto sports! (I wanted to sound like a newscaster since sometimes I have to be one in class when I talk about what day it is and what the weather is like outside).

So sports day was last week and it was freaking awesome! I want to post a ton of pictures and everything but I have to wait since my camera died and I didn't get enough to make the awesome entry I had planned. Regardless, life here has drawn itself into a steady lull and with the winter comes soup and hot things so hopefully they can cancel out the weather and keep my spirits up. School is going well, still love my kids and I can't wait to show you the awesome pictures from sports day!!

In other news - hurt my knee running. Will have to slow it down a bit this week and do a slow 6-8K on Saturday or so. Not much else going on my end, hopefully things elsewhere are good? I will hopefully do a nice long post this weekend about sports day and all that jazz.

Oh, birthday party was a lot of fun and I spent much of the weekend in well earned relaxation and doing laundry and cleaning. Bills are piling up and so are invitations to go places. Turns out I won't be able to go on the trip to Hokkaido for the snow festival which I know pissed some people off because I didn't know for sure I had to cancel until school was like 'hey there's an event around that time so you can't go...' Too bad they won't tell me the event or when it will be for sure. Sorry again Alex!!

Well, off to bed for tonight. Love.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's cold there! Because of all the rain, it's been around 72 during the day and 65 at night here in Nara. I hope the weather stays pleasant longer...
