Friday, July 30, 2010

Goodbye, So Long...

Hello everyone - and goodbye. This will be my last blog post in America. AH!!!!

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go... Leaving on a JET plane :-P

 So anyway, enough of the silly-ness. I am officially moving into R's old place so the address is available to anyone who wants it, just email ( Um, been packing. A lot. Turns out I have too much shit and so I will have to pay overweight fees... for both my suitcases. Space saver bags are so deceiving! Seems excessive I know but now mom doesn't have to ship... anything... ever. Or so I hope :-X. Don't know what to wear to Miami orientation still and it's Friday. I'll figure it out though. Picking up another JET on our way. Wow this is an uneventful blog post!

I got pictures of the apartment:

  It's a ton bigger than the other place I was getting before. Rent is about 50,000 yen a month. But basically I could have someone else live here and never see them so... yeah.

Miami tomorrow at 7:45 then to the Consulate's for dinner with the Consulate General (my Mom and Grandma get to come which is awesome!). My flight is Saturday morning around 6:45 then I arrive in Tokyo sometime after 1PM Tokyo time. Kind of feeling nervous/scared/anxious... but mostly tired.

I won't have internet for a while most likely until they get it set up in the apartment but I will try and do an update from the hotel in Tokyo while I am there so in case you don't see it on facebook you will know I arrived safely. Hope everyone else has safe travels who is traveling and hope to update in a few days!!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OMG Japan!

Wow, it's been almost 2 weeks! Life as I know it has changed completely this past couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay in posting but here's what I know. Since all of my neighbors are single men and I am in direct line of sight of the landlords back door and all the above mentioned men have been known to verbaly accost women while drunk the BoE (not to mention myself) has found it unfit for women to reside in the aforementioned apartment. So yeah. Drama ensued and now I am waiting for the final verdict on where I will definitively be living while in Japan. I suggested switching my apartment for that of S (the other new ALT) since he is male and would be fine living in that place... sigh, I can only wait and see. They mentioned they would know for sure by the 30th (only a few days before I arrive in the city myself!) so all I can do is wait and see. :-(

Besides the stress of that I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get everything done. Making lots of lists like the consulate suggested and vacuum sealing the clothes I am keeping at my Mom's place has occupied a surprisingly large amount of time. I have one suitcase almost packed and am working on deciding exactly how much can fit into my carry-on and how to make it work around my ps3 (which is also going into my carry-on).Now to borrow a scale so I can weigh this massive load of bull I shoved into a suitcase. Oh well.

On top of all this there's family drama - but when isn't there. One of the guys going out of Miami just dropped himself from the program because of family stuff so hopefully mine clears up before I leave O_o. I also gave my Mom power of attorney, got a living will, am seeing a CPA and bought indoor schools for school. I am really almost done... and almost in Japan. ZOMG.

I'll post random pictures on my next update of all my drama and packing progress. Probably tomorrow. Maybe I will know something more about my apartment? I did get my schedule for my first month though!

4th - Arrive in Kitsuki. R and my supervisor will come pick me and S up and then it's off to meet the head of the BoE and then the Mayor. wee!
5th - I'm with M, and she'll show me around to my schools.
6th - I'll be with Mr. Oku from the BoE. He's gonna come and get me and S and show us around Kitsuki city itself.
9th - I will be going to the BoE via Mr. Sasaki's car.
starting the 10th they will try and get me going to my elementary schools, but the schools haven't been decided yet, so it's still "elementary school or BoE". If they don't pick a school, I will have to go to the BoE every day that week. Again, Mr. Sasaki has offered to give me and S a ride.
16th through the 20th I'll be going to Yamaga JHS. The 19th and 20th might end up being ES days.
23rd - Oita JET orientation in Oita city at the Kencho. Not sure how I'll get there, but hopefully the BoE has something planned.
24th through the 27th are then all Yamaga JHS or potential ES visits.
30th and 31st are also Yamaga JHS or potential ES visits.
school starts on the 1st of September with the opening ceremony, and they want me at Yamaga JHS for that.

So there you go. :-)

Back to packing. Love!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The End of the World as We Know it.

So I got an email today from M:

"So after I sent that email to you yesterday I managed to finally organize a time to go and check out your apartment.

The first thing I can confirm is that you DON'T have to pay any key money... and like I've said before, the rent is 43,000yen a month.

The apartment itself is smaller than I would have chosen for you but it's clean and tidy and in a nice area. Your landlord actually owns a whole lot of apartments all within a few seconds walk from your place (including the building the other ALT S will be living in) and your landlord essentially lives right in your backyard... or should I say you live in his!

It's kind of hard to describe as it's not really like any apartment block I have ever seen in Japan before. There are 4 apartments in your block but all branch off an internal hallway (if you imagine a hotel hallway with all the doors coming off it). All the other apartments come off in a different direction to yours and each have tiny balconies for the sole purpose of a place to hang washing. Yours on the other hand has a much larger outdoor area as like I said your apartment is pretty much in the backyard of the landlord.

When you walk in your door from the main internal hallway which has all the apartment doors coming off it you enter into quite a large entrance/hallway area. To your left of the front door is a doorway to the bathroom/toilet. There is a shower room with a deep Japanese tub and a shower and then another room with the toilet as well as a sink/cabinet. Like all Japanese bathrooms it's incredibly small but perfectly fine for one person! For some strange reason the entrance way area has an air conditioning unit in it although I can't see why you would ever want to use it in this space!

There is then a door directly opposite the front door which leads though to the only other room in the apartment. Once you go through the door directly to your left is the kitchen. Again like all kitchens in Japan it is really small but totally adequate for one person. There is already a fridge there and a gas cooker so all you will need to buy are plates/cutlery etc which the 100yen store sells heaps of really nice ones so you can pick all this up for super cheap! You've had a lucky break with the microwave because it has actually just crapped out on us! They are easy to buy though and shouldn't cost you too much to buy a new one.

Directly behind the door is a couch... with the door open you wouldn't be able to sit on it but with the door closed it's fine. There is then a wall cabinet with a little breakfast bar and stools.

Take a few more steps and you have your bed. As far as beds go it's not great but the space is so small your pretty limited. If it was me I would probably ditch it once you get here and buy a futon... that way you can fold it away during the day to give yourself more space. To the left of the bed and all along the side of it are cupboards and a shelf which has a large tv, dvd player, some old tapes, a computer and printer as well as a few other bits and bobs. If you don't want to keep any of this stuff just talk to the landlord about it when you get here!

To the right of the bed is a large table with chairs. Because the table is so big it actually has to sit in front of a wardrobe which is built into the wall and along half the sliding door which lead to outside. It might be something you look to downsize on if you want more space!

The sliding door then leads out to the pool which all the other apartments also have access to via a slidng door in the internal hallway that all the apartments come off.... the pool is definitely NOT swimmable in its current state and I have no idea if it ever is or is just left.

There's quite a lot of storage in the apartment with lots of cupboards and drawers and comes fully equiped with lights and curtains. I forgot to mention that in the kitchen/lounge/bedroom area there is another air conditioning unit... it both cools and heats so in the winter you will be totally roasty toasty! You also get a covered car park.

Attached is a word document with all the photos and captions... I've also done a rough floor plan to help show you what it's like... not really to scale though!"

-- So yeah, me again. This is what my living arrangements will look like for the next year or so. Hopefully I don't have to lose half of my body mass to fit myself into the apartment and there will definitely be some renovating as I HATE pink. Don't know what I am going to do about the barbie sized fridge... might have to look into getting a new one. We shall see. Half this stuff is going in the garbage anyway most likely because I don't need most of it and I do need all the space I can get. Futon it is... gotta get rid of that bed. This is going to be an interesting experience... to say the least.

Don't think I'm being too negative, I just found out about this and it disappointed me a little is all. I am actually still very excited about the experience and hopefully the apartment is better than my first impression of it. Love.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Gonna Break your Brain

It is the second week in July. Holy crap it's the second week in July... Next week is my last in Gainesville. I don't think I have ever felt so sad about leaving a place as I do now. At least I know I will still get to talk to almost everyone I am leaving but I don't know if I will ever see Gainesville again... tear.

Now I have a small concern: KaiKinapela mentioned key money and deposits. I thought this wouldn't be a big problem because the apartment is not going under my name but is still might be. Anywhere up to $3,000 down is considered normal and this is non-refundable. I will have to email M again and make sure my information checks out and I won't owe the money. This definitely makes my heart beat a little faster... and not in a good way.

Most of my furniture is gone now though. Turns out I had a few friends who wanted my odds and ends and they will be picking up everything by the end of the week. The only things left in my room will my bed and desk which I already sold to Damien (luckily he's in Europe now) and he will pick them up when he gets back via Amy. I can't believe how quickly everything is moving now. Love.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Joys of a New Apartment

The Kitsuki BOE found me an apartment yesterday. M sent me a really excited email describing the place and in it was the best news I have heard in a long time - it's furnished! Now I don't need to worry about them finding me a place and I also don't have to worry about buying M's furniture or anything! YAY!!! I will wait until she goes to see it for herself before I post information about what's included but I know the rent is 43,000 yen a month (about $410) and it is in Kitsuki proper which means quite the commute to school in the morning :-(. Oh well, good news is I don't have to shell out a bunch of money as soon as I get to Japan. I will post more information as I know it and promise pictures as soon as M sends them to me. Love!