Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer time

It's hot and I'm sleepy – The story of summer as an ALT in Japan

In accordance with a previous pledge to try and write more about my job here rather than numerous other random travels in my life, I am posting this as a testament to all of my fellow ALTs, and those aspiring to become one themselves. Summer in Japan is a mix of amazing and horrible, boring and highly entertaining. It is like waking up bipolar every day. Someone told me once in college while I was studying Japanese that over here they have year round school. Either I completely misunderstood what that meant, or they were mistaken but Japan actually runs on a trimester system. The school year begins in April with the first trimester running until mid-July, at which time the students have summer vacation. The second trimester begins in the first week of September and runs until the end of December when everyone is released for winter break (New Year’s is a big deal over here). Beginning around the second week of January, everyone is back for the third trimester which ends in the end of March.

That being said, students do not really get a break. They come to school pretty much every morning to practice club activities. For students who chose not to be in a club... well they get to fart around at home like a normal American kid. There are not really summer camps or YMCA places out here for the students to attend (though that being said there is sometimes weekly and daily camps at special times during the break for those who wish to attend). So, since the students are here every day, teachers must also be here, including ‘fake’ teachers like me. Thus, here I am sitting at my desk on a warm summer day in a teacher’s room filled to the brim with only 4 other teachers (just because they have to work doesn’t mean they can’t take paid leave) with a fan spinning languidly beside me and the TV a low hum in the background while the Olympics plays on the news.

It would be an understatement to say this was boring, but of course although there are things I would like to do, I am lacking in motivation to do them. Cue world’s smallest violin. There is plenty of quiet meditation time and lots of freedom (until only a few weeks ago I would split for a couple hours to the pool here at school so I could swim off some energy before twiddling my thumbs further) so some of the teachers are really productive... on the novels they read at their desks. No, seriously though, some people actually get a lot of work done – lesson planning, preparing tests, etc. But most are like me and sit behind their desks stifling yawns and trying not to sweat through every layer of their clothing (no sense in using the AC if the temperature is less than 32 degrees Celsius – a statement I completely agree with and hate myself for saying so sometimes). At least we have a breeze most days.

So, although my job is typically pretty booked up with classes and planning, I get a few weeks of the summer to relax and chill at work (although I would rather be chilling at home) – though who can complain too loudly since I am still getting paid. In fact, I also get more than the swim time I mentioned earlier, we can leave for “lunch breaks” during the afternoon - 2-3 hours ones being completely acceptable as long as they are not more than once a week. So, picnics in the park with the boyfriend for an afternoon? OK. Going home on a breezy day for an afternoon run and load of laundry - no problem. Having a BBQ party outside the teachers room with the 4 other staff members (including the vice principal) at noon on a Tuesday – why not? Yeah, this is an easy job... now if only I was one of those people capable of relaxing... Love.

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