Sunday, August 8, 2010


So I have been in Japan for almost a week and in my city for a whole 4 days now. I am beginning to really like it here. I haven't quite adjusted to the stares of people as I walk down the street or the random commercials on TV but I think I am feeling more comfortable. My Japanese is finally getting used which feels very good, and while I sit in my apartment with all the doors and windows open to let in the summer breeze and wait on my new microwave/toaster oven it is starting to feel like a home.

I took a trip to Bungo Takada yesterday to visit my friend B another new ALT who flew out with us from Miami. S went with me and we had quite the adventure on the buses and trains trying to find our way to her small town. It is actually relatively close by and didn't take us much more than an hour to get to. Her town is based around a small two block area based on 1950's style Japan. We met her neighbor, a third year ALT P who is from Singapore. She was really nice and even gave me a DVD player she had won at a raffle since she didn't need it. It works out because my PS3 is not working with the TV and until I save up the money for another TV I would have been unable to watch any of my movies except on my computer. Yay! Turns out it is even region free!!! What are the odds?!

So after hanging out in Bungo Takada for the day we (including B) made our way back to Kitsuki. We took the wrong train though because as it turns out there is more than one level of express and the one we took flew right through Kitsuki station and took us all the way to Beppu. It worked out though because now not only do we know how to get to Beppu and how long it takes but we also got to go on a bit of an adventure. B stayed the night with me and we bought some booze and got a little drunk on my floor while painting our nails, watching A Knight's Tale and mooning over Heath Ledger (sp?).

Had a great time and a great night and after waking up around 7 this morning (maybe we are all still a little jetlagged?) we made omlettes and watched Memoirs of a Geisha together while I continued to try and pick up the apartment. Moving is really very messy! I did make curry last night though and it was just amazing. Something about the chicken here is just unbelievable. Everything tastes so fresh! It's like having an organic supermarket all the time! Oita prefecture is actually famous for their fried chicken dishes so I assume chicken must be very popular here. It is certainly cheap and tastes so amazing! This will make cooking very easy!

I am trying out lots of Japanese seasonings and vegetables and am trying to make it a goal to try something new every time I go to the store. Maybe I will learn to cook after all!

Next weekend is a summer festival in my town and although I don't know much about it yet, B is going to come back and go to it with me since S will not be here (he's going to Osaka for the weekend) and she won't have anyone to hang out with in her town. Hopefully soon I will meet some Japanese people though so that I can work on my language skills. :-)

This week I will be spending everyday at the BOE's office trying not to die of boredom and hopefully studying Japanese and beginning to work on lesson plans. They left a huge pile of books on my desk about the English program they use here and copies of the textbooks the students use. Seems like I will hopefully be able to keep myself occupied for 8 hours each day. Well, my damn oven still isn't here yet but I don't have much else to say. Time to make lunch!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like fun! I'm really glad you're starting to feel at home; you sound really happy! *hug* I miss you a lot here! I graduated this weekend and it just wasn't the same without you around. I can't wait to read more of your posts, and I hope you continue to have an amazing time!
