Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Gonna Break your Brain

It is the second week in July. Holy crap it's the second week in July... Next week is my last in Gainesville. I don't think I have ever felt so sad about leaving a place as I do now. At least I know I will still get to talk to almost everyone I am leaving but I don't know if I will ever see Gainesville again... tear.

Now I have a small concern: KaiKinapela mentioned key money and deposits. I thought this wouldn't be a big problem because the apartment is not going under my name but is still might be. Anywhere up to $3,000 down is considered normal and this is non-refundable. I will have to email M again and make sure my information checks out and I won't owe the money. This definitely makes my heart beat a little faster... and not in a good way.

Most of my furniture is gone now though. Turns out I had a few friends who wanted my odds and ends and they will be picking up everything by the end of the week. The only things left in my room will my bed and desk which I already sold to Damien (luckily he's in Europe now) and he will pick them up when he gets back via Amy. I can't believe how quickly everything is moving now. Love.

1 comment:

  1. The only reason I mention the key money is because Oita is one of the few prefectures that (more often than not) require key money.

    This is often quite a surprise for people. (It was for me) because at the orientation there was always talk of how so-and-so's apartment was really cheap because it was subsidized.

    I had an ALT friend in Fukuoka who only paid utilities for her apartment, the city payed for her rent. To be fair her city has since gotten rid of the JET program because they were finding the ALTs too expensive. (Oita is still adding ALTs...)

    But yeah, the key money thing often seems to take people by surprise when they come to Oita.
