Monday, June 14, 2010

So much and yet so little

Ok, I know it has been a few days and I was suppose to have a lot of information to share - and I do. It just wasn't all I was looking for when I mentioned learning new information in regards to my placement. So the information I have so far:

1. I am going to Kitsuki. We already knew this, but they have my paperwork so I am golden.

2. Kitsuki has snow. Bummer. They also have no insulation so where there's snow there's cold and I will be unable to escape it both at home and at work. Bummer.

3. The girl I am replacing [this is still up for debate because there are two girls who are leaving Kitsuki and I will be replacing one of them - not sure which yet, explained below], R, loves her children and hates me a little on the inside for replacing them. Ouch. This is with the utmost respect and friendship though because she selfishly never wants to leave them since they are so wonderful. I think I understand and don't really mind as long as there is no animosity or anything since she is only moving to the next city over.

4. I still don't know whether I will be in the main city or in Yamaga, one of the outlying villages. Both have their ups and downs but in Yamaga I can take traditional Japanese dance and help with the rice harvest. Woot! I would prefer it there, even if only 8,000 people reside there. This brings me back to the main point of this post. I don't know yet where I will be exactly. There was some drama surrounding the Yamaga apartment. It can't be rented again or something. Thus, a new abode must be found and approved by both R and M, probably K as well. These are the three current Kitsuki ALTs only one of whom, K, is remaining next year. Apparently this is a necessary step because R had some terrible experiences when she arrived to her apartment in Kitsuki 5 years ago. No bed or appliances and a broken TV. I really appreciate more than I can say how much these women are going above and beyond to help settle all of this for me and Sam (the other new Kitsuki ALT) before we get there. This is worth more than the peanut butter and reeses I promised her by far.

5. I am learning more and more information about specifically what to bring in regards to omiyage (souvenirs) and how much I need to bring. I will be visiting 9 schools, regardless or if I am in Kitsuki proper or Yamaga, and thus need a gift for all the principals and vice-principals at every school and much of the faculty. I should also have something special for the BoE director Mr. Sakasi (spelling?) who is helping the girls go way above and beyond to prepare for my arrival with Sam. Mostly, cooking books and American paraphernalia will suffice but I should also plan to bring big bags of individually wrapped candies for the classroom and some for the staff office as well. This is going to be quite the space occupant in my suitcases (which I still haven't bought yet).

6. I am finally done with all my damn doctor's appointments. All I have left to acquire are the drug store purchases and filling a few prescriptions.

7. Clothes are almost done too, just waiting on luggage which I will get next week if all goes according to plan.

Well, I have a lot more to post concerning some of the questions I asked R, M and K (man I feel like I'm in Men in Black with all these single letter names ^^) but I will have to do it when my eyes are feeling better.



  1. Congrats on finally hearing from your CO!

    I find Japanese weather strange considering I will be north of you and Nara barely gets snow. Even when it does snow, apparently nothing sticks.

    It also must be nice to know so many people are fighting to make sure you are comfortable upon arrival. Lucky you!

  2. For the winter the kotatsu will be your BFF. I lived and napped under mine quite frequently.

    On the replacement thing/pred hating you a little on the inside. I dread the day that I will eventaully leave my kids. You will grow attached to you students and you will hate having to leave one day too I am sure.

    Besides, at schools we are golden, kids love us. In the back of your mind you wonder if the next ALT will be liked better than you. And who wants that?

  3. Honestly, I know I will understand this when I get there and I don't really mind the inside turmoil. I appreciate that she was so honest about it actually. Soon I will know, very soon. <3

    Shall I be meeting you in Japan as well? We should have a big Oita party! lol
