Monday, June 7, 2010

Travel Time!

I just noticed I use a lot of exclamation points. Guess it is supposed to substitute for the smile I always have when I say things that make me happy. Yay!

Anyway, heard from the travel agency today. Just preliminary stuff though, hopefully they will have the flight information for us soon? I want to drop off all the rest of my paperwork when I go to Miami on the 23rd-ish so I hope to have heard by then. Still no word on a predecessor or from my contracting organization. Miami said everything should be finalized mostly by the end of June so I still have some time. Deadline for everything is July 9th. It was kind of exciting actually to see the google group page change from being part two to part three (final!!). Time is moving so quickly now!

Life otherwise is surprisingly chill. I am trying to enjoy the rest of my time in Florida by watching the lightning storms, enjoying cable TV and biking in the excruciating humidity. I spent the weekend watching Firefly, playing the Sims 3 and relaxing. I also cleaned... a lot. I am trying to go through all my stuff and throw it out. Turns out I am a major pack rat and four years of college was just enough for me to accumulate massive amounts of nonsense. Throwing away small pieces of my life makes me feel simultaneously lighter and nostalgic. Guess that's part of growing up and moving on.

I have been thinking a lot about things I do in America that I won't be able to do in Japan. For instance, I was running on Saturday (it was miserably humid :-<) and it started raining. Instead of stopping and going inside, I continued running. It felt amazing but I started thinking about how everyone in Japan always carries an umbrella and I wonder if running in the rain, or walking in it for that matter, is unacceptable? I even played Ultimate Frisbee in the rain with Amanda the other day and it was awesome. I know it rains in Japan but I hope I will be able to enjoy it in the same way.

Dad asked me if I wanted to ship my bicycle to Japan. If only I could. Guess I will be buying a cheap one there. It costs more than my bike is worth to ship it. I will be shipping my PS3 though :-P.

Well, that's all I've got for now I'm afraid.


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