Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Time flies

Information overload. I have been speaking with one of the current ALTs in Kitsuki for the past week or so and she has been really helpful. Answering questions all the way from clothes to cars to sports. It is making me feel a mix of super excited and super nervous. She said I will most definitely need a car. Lame. Maybe a motorcycle would be OK? *except I'm scared of motorcycles but maybe I'll get over it?* Scary thought. She also said depending on finding clothes in Japan is hopeless and they will have to be shipped from the states. *sigh* No chunky peanut butter either. Oh well.

I am still excited though and I know this is going to not only be an amazing experience but just plain amazing! I am really looking forward to going. I even had a dream last night about flying into Narita airport and getting off the plane in Japan. I was so excited. June 1st... I leave July 31st... OMG!



  1. you can make chunky peanut butter! :P

  2. You'll need a car?! That sounds pricy!

  3. Hello! just found your blog! Yay Oita JETs!

    Chunky peanut butter can be delivered to your house, in a HUGE tub, from Flying Pig.

    On the clothes front I am plus size and even I have managed to buy some clothes here in Japan. You just have to look carefully and be prepared for not a whole lot of variety.

  4. Never fear! I accidentally bought chunky peanut butter from an import store (I prefer smooth >_>;;;) so it's....around.

    Also I managed to find some "plus size" bras over the weekend. Going up several cup sizes is a huge boost to the ego :P If it's a nice lingerie store they should have sizing charts for comparison between countries and good customer service. Also, nearly all of the padded bras can have the padding removed!

    Cars are expensive, but nowhere near as expensive as the US! The pricey part is in the Japanese license, which you will need when your international one expires in a year.
