Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...

I got an email today from one of the three JETs currently present in Kitsuki. She will be remaining there for another year and the other two will be replaced by me and a guy I found on facebook. We don't know which one goes with who yet, but I am only down to two choices. The JET who is remaining is the High School one so I am most definitely elementary and middle school. They said I would have 1-2 middle schools and 6-7 elementary schools I will be rotating between.

She gave me a lot of helpful information about the weather and the type of clothes I should wear. Khakis and polos/blouses it is! No suits required except in April for graduation. I can breathe a sigh of relief on that note at least. She also gave me some insight into tattoos though. Turns out if they can see it I will get reprimanded and sent home to change. This creates some problems because my tattoo is on my wrist. I can't wear long sleeve shirts all the time so it is time to start investing in some cuffs for my wrists. Any ideas on where I can find thick bracelets?

Apparently it does snow in Kitsuki though. Bummer. I have decided I will buy winter clothes there though because I don't have any as it is and it will be cheaper to buy them there than buy them all here and ship. Well, this is about all I've got. Still waiting on the government and the FBI to send me my paperwork back. Everything is slowly falling into place.


1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about make up for your tattoo?
