Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Information Overload

Yesterday I began thoroughly examining my JET information packet and reading through it. It is really full of helpful information and even an informational video. I am really impressed to see how well organized the program clearly is. All the information did bring about something unexpected though... information overload. I am so filled with tax filing, packing tips and teaching techniques that I don't know which way is up and I am feeling a little overwhelmed and scared. These feelings are most likely irrational and will disperse within a few days to their proper place (being somewhere not in my head) - but until then I am shrouded in unease. Just knowing I have to file taxes in not one but TWO countries when I haven't even filed my own 1040EZ here in the US is cause enough for alarm but the thought of scraping ice from my vehicle every morning leaves me with a foul taste in the back of my throat.

I dreamed last night of being in a small mountain village outside of Nara and enjoying swimming in a lake every morning and biking up a massive hill to work everyday. While this is a little idealistic and most likely to never happen, I woke up feeling really peaceful and calm. This was shattered when I realized I should read more of the information book and I stumbled upon the page concerning which items I would (or would not as the case may be) be able to bring with me to Japan - namely deodorant and contacts. Seems both have a limit on importation into Japan and I am debating the merits of smuggling them in through my luggage anyway (contacts are small right ^^). I am beginning to see up sides and down sides to living in Japan. It would take me all together too long to enumerate them here and since no reads this yet (truth be told I don't blame you) I will refrain until either the list has narrowed or I no longer feel these insecurities.

I never realized I was so long winded... maybe I just have a lot going on in my head? Regardless, I will end here for today and try to read some of the Japanese novel I decided to start in order to get a little Japanese practice prior to my departure.


1 comment:

  1. Nichole~ missing you~ just checking if I can post without an account
