Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Welcome to the rest of your life... or at least the next year

Kitsuki-shi in Oita-ken is a small, little known city with a population around 22,000. They have hot springs (onsen), a castle, volcanoes, big hills and mountains and they are on a bay with ample beach space. They also have year round weather patterns identical to Florida except snow is possible and happens sometimes. I don't know that I could have asked for a better placement. It is also only slightly smaller than Gainesville which is by far my favorite city. It is big enough to get lost in and small enough to feel like home.

I also talked to Lauren today on Skype. She is in Japan currently and doing JET. She graduated last year from UF and worked with me in Japanese club. She answered a lot of the questions they don't cover in the general information handbook... Can you meet nice Japanese guys interested in American women? Do you have time to date? Travel? Take up hobbies? If I wanted to get a tattoo could I get into an onsen? What's the status on filling prescriptions in Japan? Can I buy condoms and tampons and that crazy stuff? What about underwear?

It was very informative and on top of learning more and more about my new home I am feeling much less apprehensive and more anxious and excited. I have been busy the past couple of days but the work has helped me to pass the time waiting.

The next step: Compile a list of the things I am going to pack, buy luggage, finish acquiring clothes and shoes, go to dentist and eye doctor, and enjoy the rest of my time in America!

I also promised to help Joe think of a name for his JET blog, he is going to Nagasaki and wants to incorporate it into the name. Any ideas?


1 comment:

  1. Packing is going to be INSANE! Hopefully I can find some chic luggage though. I'll definitely have to have clothes shipped in from the States since I'll be in such a cold climate! Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
